It’s all about me….

Well, where do I start?

My name is Kayleigh, I am 23 years old & I have just embarked upon a degree in Adult Nursing at a University in the UK. This is my first ever blog (please bare with me!) and I am doing it for a few reasons. One of these is to track my professional development and to practice the art that is reflection (the lecturers would be so proud reading this!). Secondly, to hopefully meet other student nurses so we are able to support each other, let off some steam and discuss general nursey bits with as my friends are already getting annoyed with me attacking them with a stethoscope as soon as they walk through the door! The third reason is to give an insight to those who are interested as to what being a nurse is really about as all I seem to see or hear is bad press.

I do feel like I need to explain the name of my blog ‘She’s Running With Needles’. Before you all start panicking, don’t worry. I am perfectly aware of Health & Safety so you needn’t avoid me on hospital wards etc. I wont be running around, needles in hand and spilling blood (I hope!). It just seems a very fitting way to explain how I am currently feeling with the pressure of the workload. I feel that with each bio-science lesson, each new skill I have to master and the never ending amount of foreign words that I hear on a daily basis, I am hurrying around trying to keep myself balanced. However, I will admit it. I am a little scared that I will fall and hurt myself. ‘It’s normal in your first year, we’ve all been there’ I hear you say. I know this and so far I am loving every second of my nurse training, despite how overwhelming it is.

8 thoughts on “It’s all about me….

  1. You could probably copy your first post to this section – you’ll be blogging for ages (hopefully) so it will be good for people to easily read a bit about why you’re doing it, and you’ve already explained it so well! I love your theme by the way, it’s very cute! x

  2. Great blog Kayleigh!
    You write really well, its really easy to read when you write like you speak!
    All the best with your nursing training, I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Yes we have all been there but we all found it soooo challenging at the start, I feel your pain. Lots of new nurses need to be following your blog for inspiration and to know that they are in the same boat as you!
    I’m sure the UK is the same as aus in that we are being trained by the older generation who have a ‘suck it up’ mentality- good on you for voicing your concerns
    Any help you need from me get in contact
    kim xx

    • Oh thankyou so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking time to read & comment on my blog,
      Wow, I bet it’s amazing out in Aus! We have a choice placement in our third year & I am really tempted to go abroad & work 🙂
      How long have you been nursing now?
      Kayleigh xx

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